Thursday, February 7, 2013

Elections 2013: Jubilee the Coalition of Ideas Vs CORD's 10 Point Programme

Jubilee Manifesto Launch [Photo: UK's Facebook page]
The Jubilee alliance launched its manifesto on February 3, 2013 at Kasarani Stadium with pomp, color and fun fare. This launch proceeded CORD manifesto launch by days. What emerged was that the Jubilee manifesto document and gig was a well thought out and orchestrated affair. The only missing thing was how the Jubilee administration if it ascended to power was going to carry out its extremely ambitious agenda.
Credit must be given where due and in my own opinion think this manifesto after going through it is an extremely beautiful document. That said the Jubilee rank need to organize a public engagement where the crafters of this document can tell us how they propose to actualize it.
Looking at the three pillars of this manifesto namely Umoja [Unity], Uchumi [Economy] and Uwazi [Openness] it reminds me of Vision 2030 which also has three pillars namely Political, Social & Economic pillars. Under each pillar we have compartments with;
1.       Umoja [Unity] pillar which is composed of;
·         National Cohesion
·         Internal Security
·         Trade & Industry
·         Social Protection
·         Arts, sports & culture
·         Health
·         Education
·         Youth employment
·         Women’s empowerment

2.       Uchumi [Economy]
·         Growth & Development
·         Manufacturing
·         ICT
·         Tourism
·         Land reform
·         Energy
·         Agriculture
·         Water
·         Environment
·         Transport
·         Housing

3.       Uwazi [Openness]
·         Corruption
·         Good governance
·         Devolution
CORD Manifesto Launch at KICC
CORD on the other hand a 10 point programme. These are;
1.       Jobs
2.       Food Security
3.       Security
4.       People led government
5.       Poverty & cost of living
6.       Social equality
7.       Infrastructure and land
8.       Quality education
9.       Health care
10.   One indivisible nation

Download the Harmonised Jubilee Manifesto here and CORD 10 point plan here

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